Artificial Intelligence as a concept has existed for decades, but only in recent years have businesses begun large-scale adoption. AI technologies have the potential to reshape the world that we live in and change the way that we work. The GAISA awards acknowledges the special achievement of Corporate, Institutions and Individuals and present the honours to the finest in the AI ecosystem. It is a token of gratitude and appreciation to celebrate the growing AI talent that brings the best to the World.
AICRA AI Awards aim to recognize the best innovators and entrepreneurs leading the AI Revolution in India. To help us decide if you are indeed the best, tell us about you and your work!
5% What drives you?
Tell us about your organization: Mission, Values, Culture, and Achievements
We expect entrants to use 5% of the open-ended response or 150 words answering these crucial questions.
25% Thinking
We believe technology can be used to serve a larger purpose than being a support system to achieve business goals. Explain how you have used technology or digital tools to develop a New Business, Positively Impact a Community or Solve a Major Workplace Problem.
Spend 25% of your open-ended response on this section (or 300 words)
25% Innovation
We are looking for organizations that have developed a solution that meets new or existing needs. Entrants will have demonstrated how they have applied technology in an innovative way to meet a specific social or business challenge. We are looking for organizations that have developed a solution that meets new or existing needs. Entrants will have demonstrated how they have applied technology in an innovative way to meet a specific social or business challenge. We expect our entrants to spend 25% of the open-ended response here (300 words).
25% Result
Outcomes decide the success of any Endeavour. So we will be taking into accounts factors such as revenue generation, capital market share, increased brand awareness, and increased client acquisition or retention.
Spend 25% of your open-ended response on this section (or 300 words)
20% Future Planning
What lies in store for your business? What are the steps you are planning to take next for advancing your business? We would like to know about your plans and strategy for the future. We will take into account deciding factors such as Scalability, Future Fundraising Objectives, Upcoming Trials, Planning, Strategy, and Forecasting.
Spend 20% of your open-ended response on this section (or 250 words)